Get guests instant answers

No one reads the manual. FreshHost gives your guests instant answers to all the questions you never thought to add to your house manual.

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Delight guests and earn higher ratings

Guests love the small stuff. A welcome note, a bottle of wine, coffee in the morning, and quick replies. Give them something they'll love to write about in their review.

How FreshHost Works

Sign up

Create an account to get started.

Link FreshHost to Google Home

This one's easy. Just say "Hey Google, talk to FreshHost." then open the Google Home app on your phone and sign in to FreshHost.

Launch the Google Home app

After saying "Hey Google, talk to FreshHost" open the Google Home app from your phone and tap "Link FreshHost."

You'll start with default answers

You'll want to customize your answers but, for now, you're all set up with default answers.

Customize your answers

Click Edit Answer and customize a few responses.


Copy and Paste

In most cases, you'll have everything you need in your house manual.  Wifi, restaurant recommendations, check out details.  Open your house manual and start copying and pasting.


We know guests

We know guests. We're experienced hosts and have used our knowledge to design FreshHost. FreshHost is tested and continuously improved from experience.

We know what they're asking

We use Natural Language Processing to understand what a user is asking. No need to teach your guests what to say or how to say it.

You're all set!

It's time for the best part. Talk to your beautiful new creation.

Print a Place Card

Click here to print a place card that lets guests know to say "Hey Google, talk to FreshHost."

It has an emotion chip

FreshGuide is equipped for small talk.  It's not quite an emotion chip but it's like 99% of the way there. Go ahead, say hi and chat.

Shorten your answers

Try a few of your custom answers. You'll often notice "short" answers sound long winded and dry when you hear them out loud. Play around and shorten a few of the responses.


Keep it conversational

You're a human and so are your guests. How would you answer "Do you have an umbrella?" Avoid: "For your convenience, umbrellas are available from the closet." Try something like: "I do! They're in the coat closet."